Mander organ of Chichester Cathedral

Mander organ of Chichester Cathedral

Great Organ    14 stops Double Open Diapason   16 Open Diapason I    8 Open Diapason II    8 Stopped Diapason    8 Principal     4 Suabe Flute     4 Twelfth     2 2/3 Fifteenth     2 * Flageolet     2 * Tierce     1 3/5 Full Mixture    III Sharp Mixture    II Trumpet     8 * Clarion     4

Swell to Great Choir to Great Solo to Great

Swell Organ    13 stops Double Diapason    16 Open Diapason    8 Stopped Diapason    8 Salicional     8 Vox Angelica T.C.    8 Principal     4 Flute     4 Fifteenth     2 Mixture 17.19.22    III Fagotto     16 Cornopean     8 Hautboy     8 Clarion     4


Choir Organ    7 stops Stopped Diapason    8 Dulciana     8 Principal     4 Flute     4 * Fifteenth     2 * Nineteenth     1 1/3 * Mixture 22.26    II

Swell to Choir
Solo Organ     5 stops * Wald Flute     8 * Flauto Traverso    4 * Cornet     III – V Cremona     8 * Posaune     8

Solo and Choir Tremulants on Sub Octave

Pedal Organ    9 stops Open Diapason (wood)   16 * Violone     16 Bourdon     16 * Quint     10 2/3 Principal     8 * Fifteenth     4 * Mixture   IV * Contra Fagotto    32 Trombone     16

Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Choir to Pedal Solo to Pedal Solo Octave to Pedal

Nave Organ Playable by electro-pneumatic action from the Great and Solo keyboards of the main organ and from a separate moveable console in the Nave. * Open Diapason    8 * Stopped Diapason    8 * Principal     4 * Flute      4 * Fifteenth     2 * Mixture   IV Subbass (pedal)    16

* denotes new pipework

Event Date

17 octobre 2017

Event Time


Ticket Price

Event Location